Beware the noggin.

Beware the noggin.


A site dedicated to creating custom gaming experiences, both inside and outside of the box.

Beyond Electrodrome v0.75!

Beyond Electrodrome v0.75!

After our initial playtesting, it was CLEAR (as might be expected) that Beyond Electrodrome is far from perfect. The game was brief. Light mechs colliding at the crossroads of Main and Central in a rotting metropolis. My own light mech, the Bodach, was decapitated in the very first salvo of fire by my 5 year old nephew. Go figure. The frothing, ecstatic laughter and cheering were well worth it, but goddamn am I gonna make that little squirt pay. Oh is he ever gonna pay…

So here’s the updated version of BT:BE, version 0.75.

Beyond Electrodrome v0.75

More spectacle, more grenades, more battlearmor, more carnage!


  • Easier to gain spectacle points

  • Easier to generate mobs of fans

  • Tightened up infantry grenade rules

  • Added various battlearmor units, slightly tweaked to facilitate the use of Meshuggah

  • Cosmetic improvements to the file

Recommendations for how to get a feel for the rules

  • Use mechs with modest armor pools. Light mechs melt too fast for the spectacle points to really pay off. Medium/Heavy mechs will give you a better sense of the spectacle rules.

  • Map: moderate to large play area with a mixture of open and confined spaces, and decent forest/cover. I recommend several blocks or chunks of buildings, set up like an archipelago. Combat near buildings is a major source of spectacle points.

  • Gunnery/Piloting: 4 and 5. If every shot connects every time, there will be no time to generate spectacle points or to deploy spectacle assets.

  • Cards. This is something I will work on as time goes on, but ideally the spectacle assets, wildcards, and the various units would be printed out on cards to allow for easier selection and use. The tables work in a pinch, but it is easy to forget the effects/value of a given asset if you don’t have the card right in front of your face.

I’m going to start working on a video in the coming days to explain the rules to help you lot join me in some heavy-duty playtesting to refine Beyond Electrodrome for version 0.8, so stay tuned for that.

But for now, you’re looking at 69 pages of Electrodrome glory, ready to drop right into your BattleTech: Destiny games!

Get you some!


LOW-RES ROLEPLAYING RULES Coming To BattleTech: Beyond Electrodrome

LOW-RES ROLEPLAYING RULES Coming To BattleTech: Beyond Electrodrome

BattleTech: Beyond Electrodrome...COMPLETE!

BattleTech: Beyond Electrodrome...COMPLETE!