Beware the noggin.

Beware the noggin.


A site dedicated to creating custom gaming experiences, both inside and outside of the box.

The Tome of Things and the Shape of the Universe

The Tome of Things and the Shape of the Universe

The date? December 2nd of the Year of Our Lord Yog Sothoth 2019.

The location? A country known across the universe as the United States of America. In a state known to every radio-receptive civilization within 100+ light years as “Wisconsin”. In a city named after a piece of bread left out for seagulls (Milwaukee).

There sits a man, slouched in a dark leather chair, the sun is setting behind him, once again swallowing the land in cold, dark, lake vapor. The screen of his aging computer glows, but not nearly as brightly as his love for…games where robots and aliens and mutants and cyber-mummies and weresquids and demonic cans of refried beans compete for the Golden Laurel Crown of Penultimate Championship.

This is the life I was destined for; sitting alone and inventing things that will never really exist, can never really exist, but for gamers and their imaginations and the geometric bones etched in runes that they toss to decide the fate of the story.

What, you may ask, am I doing with this site?

For now I am simply using it as a place to deposit unusual resources for fellow gamers.

Looking to spice up your role-playing experiences? Trying to zhuzh up your fictional universe and to give your players something to brag about?

I’m your guy.

More to follow. Much much more.

HomebrewTech: BattleTech: Beyond Electrodrome

HomebrewTech: BattleTech: Beyond Electrodrome